New Rule May Make It Harder for Medicare Beneficiaries to Receive Home Care
It may become harder for Medicare beneficiaries to find home health care due to a new rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Although the rule changes the way home health care providers are reimbursed, it could affect patient care as well.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren May Qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit
Raising a grandchild can be tough financially, but grandparents should be aware that there is a tax credit available that could help them.
Medicaid’s Gift to Children Who Help Parents Postpone Nursing Home Care
There are circumstances in which transferring a house will not result in a Medicaid penalty period, and one of those is if the Medicaid applicant transfers the house to a “caretaker child.”
New Rule Once Again Allows Nursing Home Arbitration Agreements
The Trump administration is officially rolling back a ban on the use of arbitration agreements by nursing homes that was initiated under President Obama. CMS issued a rule that once again allows nursing facilities to use arbitration to settle disputes with residents.
Reports Find Hospice Deficiencies Go Unaddressed
Hospice care is supposed to help terminally ill patients maintain their quality of life at the end of their life, but two new government reports find that serious problems in some hospices may be actually causing harm to hospice patients.
Should You Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?
Older Americans with a life insurance policy that they no longer need have the option to sell the policy to investors. These transactions, called “life settlements,” can bring in needed cash, but are they a good idea?
How Gifts Can Affect Medicaid Eligibility
We’ve all heard that it’s better to give than to receive, but if you think you might someday want to apply for Medicaid long-term care benefits, you need to be careful because giving away money or property can interfere with your eligibility.
How to Plan Your Funeral
Thinking about your funeral may not be fun, but planning ahead is helpful. It both lets your family know your wishes and assists them during a stressful time.
A Final Retirement Account Distribution Must Still Be Made After Death
Federal law requires that beginning on April 1 of the year after you reach age 70 1/2, you must begin withdrawing a minimum amount
from your non-Roth individual retirement account (IRA) or 401(k) accounts. But what if you die after age 70 1/2 and before all the account funds have been distributed?
Medicare Launches App to Help Beneficiaries Find Out What’s Covered
At the doctor’s office and want to know if a procedure is covered by Medicare? There is an app for that. Medicare has launched a free app that gives beneficiaries a quick way to see whether the program covers a specific medical item or service.