What a Good Long-Term Care Insurance Policy Should Include
As long-term care costs continue to rise, long-term care insurance can help cover expenses, but long-term care insurance contracts are notoriously confusing. How do you figure out what is right for you?
Protecting Your House After You Move Into a Nursing Home
While you generally do not have to sell your home in order to qualify for Medicaid coverage of nursing home care, it is possible the state can file a claim against your house after you die, so you may want to take steps to protect your house.
How Parents Can Provide for a Caregiver Child
Taking care of a parent can be a full-time job. Parents who want to compensate a child who takes on the burden of caregiving may do so in one of several ways.
Getting Paid as a Family Caregiver Through Medicaid
Caring for an ailing family member is difficult work, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be unpaid work. There are programs available that allow Medicaid recipients to hire family members as caregivers.
Report Ranks States on Nursing Home Quality and Shows Families’ Conflicted Views
A new report that combines nursing home quality data with a survey of family members ranks the best and worst states for care and paints a picture of how Americans view nursing homes.
Last Year for Couples to Use ‘Claim Now, Claim More Later’ Social Security Strategy
This is the last year that spouses can use a strategy to maximize Social Security benefits by choosing whether to take spousal benefits or to take benefits on their own record.
Medicaid Home Care
Traditionally, Medicaid has paid for long-term care in a nursing home, but because most individuals would rather be cared for at home and home care is cheaper, all 50 states now have Medicaid programs that offer at least some home care.
Costs of New Long-Term Care Insurance Policies Vary Considerably
We’ve all heard the advice “It pays to shop around,” but this has never been more true than with the current market for long-term care insurance.
Last Year for Couples to Use ‘Claim Now, Claim More’ Later Social Security Strategy
This is the last year that spouses who are turning full retirement age can choose whether to take spousal benefits or to take benefits on their own record. The strategy, used by some couples to maximize their benefits, will not be available to people turning full retirement age after 2019.
Guns and Dementia: Dealing With A Loved One’s Firearms
Having a loved one with dementia can be scary, but if you add in a firearm, it can also get dangerous. To prevent harm to both the individual with dementia and others, it is important to plan ahead for how to deal with any weapons.