Why You Should Use a Lawyer for Medicaid Planning
An attorney can help you save money in the long run as well as make sure you are getting the best care for your loved one.
Long-Term Care Scorecard Finds States Have Room for Improvement
A new report finds that states have made incremental improvements in providing long-term care, but need to achieve more gains in order to meet the needs of the growing number of people who require long-term care services.
Using a Prepaid Funeral Contract to Spend Down Assets for Medicaid
In addition to helping your family after your death, a prepaid funeral contract can be a good way to spend down assets in order to qualify for Medicaid.
Don’t Let Health Care Providers Use the Improvement Standard to Deny Medicare Coverage
Many health care providers are still not aware that Medicare is required to cover skilled nursing and home care even if a patient is not showing improvement.
Take These Three Steps When Your Child Turns 18
When your child reaches the age of 18, you no longer have the same level of access to, or authority over, his or her financial, educational and medical information. There are steps you can take to make sure your child is protected.
In The End, Even The Middle Class Would Feel GOP Squeeze On Nursing Home Care
In The End, Even The Middle Class Would Feel GOP Squeeze On Nursing Home Care By Jordan Rau ORANGE, Va. — Alice Jacobs, 90, once owned a factory and horses. She raised four children and buried two husbands. But years in an assisted living facility drained her savings, and now she relies on Medicaid to […]
Are Trusts Still Useful If the Estate Tax Is Repealed?
With Republicans in control of Congress and the presidency, there is talk of eliminating the federal estate tax, which in 2017 affects estates over $5.49 million. This begs the question: With no estate tax, do you still need a trust?
How Medicare and Employer Coverage Coordinate
Medicare benefits start at age 65, but many people continue working past that age, either by choice or need. It is important to understand how Medicare and employer coverage work together.
Owe Back Taxes? The IRS May Grant You Uncollectible Status
Sometimes seniors find themselves owing past-due federal taxes they cannot afford to pay. Althoough notices from the IRS can be especially frightening, there are solutions.
The Use of Immediate Annuities in Medicaid Planning for Married Couples
Immediate annuities can be a useful tool to protect the spouse of a nursing home resident who applies for Medicaid.