Adding to Uncertainty for Scam Targets, the IRS Now Allows Private Debt Collectors to Dun Taxpayers
In a move that could be confusing to seniors who are vulnerable to scams, the IRS will begin using private debt collection agencies to collect past-due taxes.
Four Things People Forget to Include in Their Estate Plan
Even if you’ve written an estate plan, are you sure you included everything you need to? There are certain things that people often forget to include in a will or estate plan that can have a big impact on your family.
Four Provisions People Forget to Include in Their Estate Plan
Even if you’ve created an estate plan, are you sure you included everything you need to? There are certain provisions that people often forget to put in in a will or estate plan that can have a big impact later on.
Hospitals Now Must Provide Notice About Observation Status
All hospitals must now give Medicare recipients notice when they are in the hospital under observation status. The notice requirement is part of a law enacted in 2015 but that just took effect.
Last Chance to Use File and Suspend Strategy for Claiming Social Security Benefits
Time is running out to use a potentially very lucrative Social Security benefits-claiming strategy. Spouses will no longer be able to use the “file and suspend” strategy after April 29, 2016.
New Book Offers Guidance Through the Medicare Maze
The Medicare program has become so complex that expert guidance is almost essential. That’s where Get What’s Yours for Medicare comes in.
Elder Law Attorneys to Present Free Webinar on What to Expect from Trump and the New Congress
Four nationally known elder law attorneys will present a free two-hour webinar on the new legislative and legal landscape followiing the election of President Trump and identify planning and other steps older Americans can take to preserve quality of health care and quality of life.
Things to Remember at Tax Time
Tax day is fast approaching and you want to make sure you’re taking advantage of all the deductions you’re entitled to.
Is It Better to Use Joint Ownership or a Trust to Pass Down a Home?
When leaving a home to your children, you can avoid probate by using either joint ownership or a revocable trust, but which is the better method?
Preventing a Will Contest
It may be impossible to prevent relatives from fighting over your will entirely, but there are steps you can take to try to minimize squabbles and ensure your intentions are carried out.