How to Pass Your Home to Your Children Tax-Free
Giving your house to your children can have tax consequences, but there are ways to accomplish it tax-free. The best method to use will depend on your individual circumstances and needs.
Part B Premium Will Rise Slightly for Most Medicare Beneficiaries in 2017
After holding steady at $104.90 a month for four years, the standard Medicare Part B premium that most recipients pay will rise 4 percent to $109 a month.
When Can You Delay Taking Medicare?
While you are eligible to apply for Medicare when you are 65, there are circumstances where you might not want to, particularly if you are working full time for a larger employer or contributing to a health savings account.
IRS Issues Long-Term Care Premium Deductibility Limits for 2017
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is increasing the amount taxpayers can deduct from their 2017 taxes as a result of buying long-term care insurance.
States Begin Offering State-Run Retirement Plans
Workers in some states will soon have another option to save for retirement. Several states are establishing state-run retirement plans for workers who do not have a plan through their employer.
Typical Social Security Recipient Will Get $4 Benefit Increase in 2017
Social Security benefits will rise only slightly in 2017. This follows no increase in benefits in 2016 and small increases for many of the previous years.
It’s Time to Reassess Your Medicare Choices
Are your Medicare plans still working for you? Medicare’s open enrollment period, in which you can enroll in or switch plans, runs from October 15 to December 7.
Execute a Power of Attorney Before It’s Too Late
A durable power of attorney is an extremely important estate planning tool, but many people delay completing this vital estate planning step until it’s too late and they no longer are legally capable of doing it.
Nursing Home Residents Win Back Right to Sue
In an unexpected move, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is forbidding nursing homes from entering into binding arbitration agreements with a resident or their representative before a dispute arises.
What Is a Life Estate?
The phrase “life estate” often comes up in discussions of estate and Medicaid planning, but what exactly does it mean? A life estate is a form of joint ownership that allows one person to remain in a house until his or her death, when it passes to the other owner.