Four Steps to Take Right After an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it is important to start planning immediately.
Getting Funeral Pricing Information Is Difficult, Survey Shows
If you’ve lost a loved one, the last thing you want to do is spend a lot of time researching funeral homes to find the best prices. Unfortunately, funeral homes do not make it easy to figure out how much a funeral will cost.
Avoiding Pitfalls When Forced to Start Breaking Your Retirement Piggy Bank
The first of the 75 million baby boomers began turning 70 this year (2016). Becoming a septuagenarian is a milestone in itself, but it also means that soon the IRS will likely be expecting you to start cashing out your tax-advantaged retirement savings that you may have spent decades building up.
How Does the Medicaid Look-Back Period Work?
One area that causes a lot of confusion with regard to Medicaid is the look-back period. What exactly does the look-back period mean for Medicaid applicants?
Hybrid Policies Allow You to Have Your Long-Term Care Insurance Cake and Eat It, Too
An increasingly popular hybrid product combines life insurance with long-term care coverage and offers buyers solutions to a number of problems that have kept people from buying traditional long-term care policies.
Problems with Guardianship Abuse Leading to Calls for Reform
A growing problem with adult guardianship abuse is causing calls to reform the system. Vulnerable elderly can get caught in the guardianship system, being harmed and exploited by the very process that is supposed to protect them.
10 Ways the Elderly Can Avoid Financial Abuse
Increased dependency due to illness, disability or cognitive impairments can make seniors susceptible to financial abuse. Here are some steps seniors or their loved ones can take to prevent financial abuse.
How Likely Are You to Need Long-Term Care?
Planning for retirement and deciding whether to buy long-term care insurance would be a lot easier if you knew your odds of needing long-term care, as well as at what age and for how long. Unfortunately, there’s no definite answer. On the other hand, some statistics do provide a bit of guidance.
Your Right to Refills If Medicare Drops Coverage of Your Drugs
Medicare prescription drug plans can change which drugs they cover, leaving you without coverage for a drug you need. Or you may switch plans into a plan that doesn’t cover your medication.
Premiums for New Long-Term Care Insurance Policies Actually Decline in Some Cases
Average costs for new long-term care insurance coverage decreased slightly for some types of policyholders compared to a year ago, according to the 2016 Long Term Care Insurance Price Index.