How Would the Presidential Candidates Change Social Security?
The 2016 presidential candidates have a wide range of proposals, from raising the full retirement age (most of the Republican candidates) to increasing the minimum benefit (Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley).
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Buying an Annuity Doubler to Pay for Long-Term Care
As long-term care insurance premiums keep rising and fewer companies are offering policies, seniors are looking for other ways to help pay for long-term care. Annuity “nursing home doublers” have emerged as a new long-term care option.
Can Social Security Benefits Be Garnished to Pay Debts?
If you don’t pay your debts, creditors can get a court order to garnish your wages, but what if your income comes from Social Security? The answer is that it depends on the kind of debt.
Medicare Now Covers Conversations About End-of-Life Care
Medicare has made discussions with health care providers about end-of-life options a covered benefit.
The Hardship Exception to the Medicaid Penalty Period: Rare But Possible
If you transfer assets within five years of applying for Medicaid, you will likely be subject to a period of ineligibility. There is an exception, however, if enforcing the penalty period would cause the applicant an “undue hardship.”
How Your IRA Can Benefit Both Your Heirs and Charity
Do you want to use your IRA to help a charity, but also benefit your heirs? Instead of leaving your IRA directly to your children, you can leave it to a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) while still benefiting your children.
Should an Annuity Be Part of Your Retirement Planning?
Annuities can be valuable retirement and longevity planning tools, but they are complex financial products that can be misused.
Activities of Daily Living Measure the Need for Long-Term Care Assistance
Most long-term care involves assisting with basic personal needs rather than providing medical care.
Medicare Announces Parts A and B Premiums and Deductibles for 2016
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid has announced the 2016 Medicare premiums, deductibles, and coinsurances . . .
How to Choose a Trustee
If you create a trust, you will need a separate person or institution, called a “trustee,” to manage the trust either now or in the future, depending on the type of trust.