How to Protect an IRA From Heirs’ Creditors
When a person declares bankruptcy, an individual retirement account (IRA) is one of the assets that is beyond the reach of creditors, but what about an IRA that has been inherited?
9 (Potential) Problems with Your Trust
All trusts should be reviewed every few years to make sure that they are up-to-date with the law and meet your goals today. Here is a checklist of trust features you can review yourself.
The Five Phases of Retirement Planning
Retirement has changed radically over the last several decades in America. Years ago, you expected to work most of your life for a single, large employer and you then count on a pension.
Checklist: Hiring a Home Care Provider
Most people prefer to be cared for in their home rather than a nursing home, but finding a home care provider for you or a loved one can be daunting.
Capacity Requirements for Executing Estate Planning Documents
Proper execution of a legal instrument requires that the person signing have sufficient mental “capacity” to understand the implications of the document.
Spending Down Assets to Qualify for Medicaid
Medicaid has strict asset rules that compel many applicants to “spend down” their assets before they can qualify for coverage. It is important to know what you can spend your money on without endangering Medicaid eligibility.
Medicare Fraud Costs Billions: Here’s How You Can Help
Medicare fraud is often in the news, but what is it, exactly? Fraud costs Medicare an estimated $60 billion a year and contributes to the rising cost of health care for all Americans. . .
Revoking a Power of Attorney
If for any reason, you become unhappy with the person you have appointed to make decisions for you under a durable power of attorney, you may revoke the power of attorney at any time.
What Is Required of an Executor?
Being the executor of an estate is not a task to take lightly. An executor is the person responsible for managing the administration of a deceased individual’s estate.
Avoid Sibling Disputes Over Caregiving By Putting It in Writing
Caring for an elderly parent can be stressful for families. Siblings may disagree over how to provide care or where a parent will live, and these squabbles can end up costing the family thousands of dollars.