The Basics of Estate Administration

Estate administration is the process of managing and distributing a person’s property (the “estate”) after death.
What Is a Trust?

A trust is a legal arrangement through which one person (or an institution, such as a bank or law firm), called a “trustee,” holds legal title to property for another person, called a “beneficiary.” There are many benefits to creating a trust.
When Should You Update Your Estate Plan?

Once you’ve created an estate plan, it is important to keep it up to date. You will need to revisit your plan after certain key life events.
Which Nursing Home Rating System Should You Trust?

Choosing a nursing home for a loved one is a difficult decision and it can only be made more confusing by the various rating systems. A recent study found that using both Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare site and user reviews can help with the decision making.
Four Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Digital Estate

While the internet makes our lives more convenient, it also adds new complications. For example, what happens to all our online data and assets if we become disabled or die?
How Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Affect Social Security?

The coronavirus pandemic is having a profound effect on the current U.S. economy, and it may have a detrimental effect on Social Security’s long-term financial situation.
Can You Transfer Your Medicare and Medicaid Plans When You Move to Another State?

If you plan to move states, can you take your Medicare or Medicaid plans with you? The answer depends on whether you have original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or Medicaid.
8 Tips for Having ‘The Talk’ with Elderly Parents

Talking about estate planning is a difficult, emotional topic but it’s essential for every family. These eight tips can help you discuss the hard topics thoroughly and respectfully and prepare you for the road ahead.
Five Topics to Discuss With Your Spouse Before You Retire

You may have a vision for your retirement, but does your spouse share that vision? Spouses often disagree about many key retirement details, so it is important to work together to come up with a plan you both can accept.
Will Medicare Cover a Coronavirus Vaccine?

With the coronavirus pandemic responsible for more than a hundred thousand deaths and disrupting life across the United States, the only way for the country to return to normal is an effective vaccine. When a vaccine is available, Medicare will cover the cost.