Four Ways the Coronavirus Pandemic May Affect Long-Term Care Insurance

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on those in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. This has raised questions about how the virus has influenced the costs and provision of long-term care insurance.
Understanding How Assets Are Distributed in a Will

When creating an estate plan, the main decision is how your assets will be distributed after you pass away. Understanding “per stirpes” and “per capita” distribution is key to that decision.
Prenuptial Agreements Can Be an Estate Planning Tool

As more and more people marry more than once, prenuptial agreements have become an important estate planning tool. Without a prenuptial agreement, your new spouse may be able to invalidate your existing estate plan.
5 Ways Your Will Can Become Useless, Or Close to It

Is having an out-of-date will better than having no will at all? While wills do not have expiration dates, certain changes can render them useless.
States Move to Immunize Nursing Homes from Liability During Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has spread like wildfire though long-term care facilities. In response, many states have moved to shield nursing homes from lawsuits related to the care they are providing during the pandemic.
Seniors and Adults with Special Needs Who Are Claimed as Dependents Will Not Get Coronavirus Relief Payment

Not everyone will get the relief payment the federal government is sending out in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Among those left out include seniors and adults with special needs who are claimed as dependents.
Some Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities Are Snatching Residents’ Pandemic Relief Checks, FTC Warns

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning residents of long-term care facilities and their families that some facilities may unlawfully require residents who are on Medicaid to sign over their $1,200 pandemic relief checks.
Pandemic Relief: Retirement Account Owners Do Not Have to Take Required Distributions in 2020

Retirement account owners, many of whose retirement balances have been pummeled by a stock market drop due to the coronavirus pandemic, do not have to take mandatory withdrawals this year.
Yes, You Can Receive Unemployment and Social Security at the Same Time

If you are already receiving Social Security, are you also eligible for full unemployment benefits? Until recently, the answer was not necessarily.
Seniors Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic Have More Time to Apply for Medicare or Change Plans

The closure of Social Security offices has caused problems and worries for recently unemployed seniors who need to apply for Medicare after losing their employer coverage. In response, the federal government has announced that seniors affected by the crisis have additional time to enroll in Medicare or change plans.