Despite Pandemic’s Toll, Federal Government Proposes Loosening Infection Control Regulations for Nursing Homes

The federal government is moving forward with regulations that would relax infection control requirements in nursing homes even while the coronavirus pandemic has overwhelmed long-term care facilities throughout the nation.
Coronavirus Relief Funds Paid to Deceased Americans Must Be Returned

In the wke of the coronavirus pandemic, some 150 million Americans received economic relief payments, including potentially millions of deceased individuals. After weeks of silence, the IRS has finally explained what to do with the funds.
States May Not Terminate Medicaid Benefits During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Access to affordable medical care is especially important during a global health crisis. You should be aware that federal law prevents the states from terminating Medicaid benefits while the coronavirus health emergency continues.
Three Changes You May Want to Make to Your Estate Plan Now Due to the Pandemic

You may need to reevaluate some elements of your estate plan in light of the coronavirus pandemic. There are unique aspects of this crisis that your current estate planning documents may not be suited to handle.
Is It a Good Idea to Bring Your Parent Home from the Nursing Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

With the coronavirus pandemic hitting nursing homes and assisted living facilities especially hard, families are wondering whether they should bring their parents or other loved ones home.
Make Sure Your Power of Attorney Complies with Federal Privacy Law

A power of attorney and a health care proxy are two of the most important estate planning documents you can have, but in some instances they may be useless if they don’t comply with the federal privacy law.
A Letter of Instruction Can Spare Your Heirs Great Stress

While it is important to have an updated estate plan, there is a lot of information that your heirs should know that doesn’t necessarily fit into a will, trust or other components of an estate plan.
Should Seniors Who Lose Their Job During the Coronavirus Pandemic Claim Social Security Benefits Early?

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, unemployment is skyrocketing. Seniors who lose their jobs may be tempted to claim Social Security benefits early, but should they, given the resulting reduction in future benefits?
What to Do and Not Do with Your Estate Planning Documents

Creating and executing estate planning documents is just the first step. Once you have completed the documents, you need to know what to do with them.
Where’s My Coronavirus Relief Payment? Well, It Depends.

When can you expect your coronavirus relief payment and how much will it be? The answer to the first question has been changing on an almost daily basis, but finally seems to have come into focus. Here’s the latest word.