What is burial insurance and do I need it?

military widow

Whether you are preparing for a loved one or yourself, you may be wondering if being proactive by purchasing burial insurance coverage is really worth it. So what exactly is burial insurance, and what benefits does it offer? Burial insurance is insurance where you choose the amount of coverage you want and then decide on […]

What is a Holographic Will and is it legal?

Estate Planning

Most people don’t like to think about creating a will. However, waiting until the last minute can result in not having any end-of-life security. Even worse, it could force you to try cutting corners and make you think you are prepared when you aren’t. One such manner of cutting corners is not using an attorney […]

What do I do if my spouse dies first?

Elderly couple bills

If your spouse dies first, you are not alone. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly one-third of all married couples in the United States are at risk of being widowed. Losing your spouse is one of the most challenging events in life, and consequently, no one likes to talk about it. However, […]

What happens to sentimental assets when you die?

Estate planning involves a lot of decisions around how you want your assets to be handled once you pass. While many people think of assets with a lot of financial value, like investment accounts and real estate, there are other assets that are just as valuable, and potentially even more important, that should be included […]

5 foods you need in your diet for more energy

If you’re feeling run down, you’re not alone. According to the Mayo Clinic, fatigue is one of the most common health complaints. While many things can cause fatigue, diet is often a factor. If you’ve eaten a big bowl of pasta for lunch and then struggled to stay awake later, you’re not alone. Certain foods, […]

Trouble sleeping? You might be getting too much of a good thing

You probably already know that a lack of sleep can make it hard to concentrate and make you irritable, but did you know how much sleep is ideal? Finding that perfect sweet spot between not enough sleep and too much sleep is important for all ages, particularly as we age. Studies have shown a link […]

Don’t be a victim: Protecting yourself online as a senior

As more and more of our lives move online, it’s important to ask ourselves how private our data is.  Cybercriminals often prey on seniors because they are seen as an easy target. They may not be as tech-savvy as younger generations and may be more likely to trust emails or phone calls from strangers. Protecting […]

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During this call, we let you do the talking.

If there are opportunities for us to help, we will discuss the next steps after having a better understanding of your needs.

For the safety of our clients and staff we are scheduling these over the internet via Zoom meeting. If you do not have computer access, please contact our office at (412) 788-2000.

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