When Is the Right Time to Start Long-Term Care Planning?

Long-term care planning is a crucial aspect of financial and health care planning that often gets overlooked until it’s urgently needed. This oversight can lead to stress, financial strain, and limited options.  Starting long-term care planning at the right time is essential for ensuring that you and your loved ones have the necessary support and […]

What to Do If You Suspect Financial Elder Abuse

Senior Entering Home

Financial elder abuse is a critical issue that affects some of our most vulnerable community members. As our population ages, the frequency of financial exploitation cases involving elders is disturbingly on the rise. This type of abuse involves the unauthorized or improper use of an elder’s funds, property, or assets, often by someone they know […]

Do You Know the Signs of a Heart Attack?


Heart attacks result in some 325,000 people dying each year before they ever reach the hospital for help. Many of these deaths are preventable. A heart attack is a serious medical emergency that occurs when the blood supply to the heart muscle is blocked, often as a result of a build-up of fatty deposits in […]

When Should I Shred My Important Documents?

Elder Law & Estate Planning Video Library

It’s spring! And the perfect time to clean your desk and file cabinets. But with that comes the question… What Documents Can You Dispose of and What Should You Keep? Here are some basic guidelines to help you get started: Tax Returns As a general rule, you should keep federal income tax returns, along with […]

Don’t be a victim: Protecting yourself online as a senior

As more and more of our lives move online, it’s important to ask ourselves how private our data is.  Cybercriminals often prey on seniors because they are seen as an easy target. They may not be as tech-savvy as younger generations and may be more likely to trust emails or phone calls from strangers. Protecting […]

Medicare Drug Cards May Be Sent Out in January

President Trump’s plan to send $200 drug-discount cards to Medicare beneficiaries has cleared one hurdle, but it isn’t certain that the administration will have enough time to actually get the cards in the mail.

We look forward to speaking with you

Select a date and time to schedule your FREE consultation with Attorney Robert Pecori ($500 value!).

During this call, we let you do the talking.

If there are opportunities for us to help, we will discuss the next steps after having a better understanding of your needs.

For the safety of our clients and staff we are scheduling these over the internet via Zoom meeting. If you do not have computer access, please contact our office at (412) 788-2000.

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