Five Tips for Starting Retirement Planning in Your 50s
If you are nearing your 50s without a post-retirement plan, this is an opportunity to plan judiciously and start saving for your retirement. Here are five strategic steps for achieving this.
The 2020 Social Security Increase Will Be Smaller than 2019’s
The Social Security Administration has announced a 1.6 percent increase in benefits in 2020, nearly half of last year’s change. The small rise has advocates questioning whether the government is using the proper method to calculate increases.
What to Do If You Are Appointed Guardian of an Older Adult
Being appointed guardian of a loved one is a serious responsibility. As guardian, you are in charge of your loved one’s well-being and you have a duty to act in his or her best interest.
Don’t Let Medicare Open Enrollment Go By Without Reassessing Your Medicare Options
Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, during which you can freely enroll in or switch plans, runs from October 15 to December 7. Don’t let this period slip by without shopping around to see whether your current choices are the best ones for you.
What to Look for in a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan
Prepaying for your funeral is one way to ease the burden on your family following your death and make sure your wishes are carried out. But pre-paid funeral plans come with risks, so you need to exercise care when purchasing a plan.
What to Look for When Buying an Annuity
An annuity can be a useful tool for long-term care planning, but annuities are also complex financial products that are hard to understand. If purchasing an annuity, you need to consider your options carefully.
Most Are Taking Social Security at the Wrong Time
A new report finds that almost no retirees are making financially optimal decisions about when to take Social Security and are losing out on more than $100,000 per household in the process.
Medicaid’s Asset Transfer Rules
In order to be eligible for Medicaid, you cannot have transferred assets recently. Congress does not want you to move into a nursing home on Monday, give all your money to your children (or whomever) on Tuesday, and qualify for Medicaid on Wednesday.
New Federal Law Puts Focus on Preventing Elder Abuse
A new federal law is designed to address the growing problem of elder abuse. The law supports efforts to better understand, prevent, and combat both financial and physical elder abuse.
Will My Advance Directive Work in Another State?
If you move to a different state or split your time between one or more states, you should make sure your advance directive is valid in all the states you frequent.